Horror movie
• What is editing?
Is a different selection of shots and modifying putting them
together and telling a story.
• What is Elliptical editing?
It allows us to fill in the gaps and it gives you more screen
time going from one place to another
• Why are long shots used?
To show where the character is and where their surroundings are
in the film.
• What is ‘non-diagetic sound’?
This is music that the character cant hear in the film, only the
viewer can hear the music this creates the scene of what is going on it can be
jolly or dramatic.
• How do we know she is bending down to pick up the ring? (what
shots are used and why?)
We know this because the director zooms in into the ring showing
us that she was looking at the ring, this could have been shown by showing the
girl picking up the ring but it was shown differently by showing her hand.
• Overhead establishing shot – what does this achieve?
This shows that the man is talking to everyone on the table and
it sets out the place where the clips taking place and shows the status of the
people around.
• What is Shot-Reverse-Shot?
Going back and forth with both characters showing that they are
having convocation even though you do not seen them in the same shot
• What is Eye-line matching?
Is zooming on the shot to make the convocation look more
convincing to make it look like the charters having a eye-to-eye conversation.
• Why do we cut to the other members of the group?
To show that he is not talking to just one person and to show
that he is talking to everyone of the group. to see the others reactions to the
• What is a wipe?
Is a video transition from one location to another.
• What is the effect of using quick cuts?
This keeps the audience interested and keeps the story moving