Thursday 29 November 2012

Pioneers of Editing

Edwin Porter

The history of editing films started off with edwin porter,edwin discussed that cutting different shots together created motions that influenced the customers,this was called inter cutting which shows different scenes happening at the same time e.g. have a scene of a fire where the building is burning ,then shows a clip of the woman inside the burning building next goes to the clip of the fire team getting ready to save the woman down at the station,this leaves us the audience worried about what is going to happen to the woman and makes us want the fire team to save this woman.

Editing now days can be slown down or increased speed this is sometimes to startle the audience.

DW Grifice 

He was the first film editor to really understand editing to take filming to another level.
he was also the first to use a closeup shot ,which people/producers didn't really agree with at first but it later then advanced and turned into a big thing later on in hollywood, Grifice also created the flash backs to create an illusion that the charter is thinking about something that happened in the past,he would also use a wideshot to a close up to make the audience not beware that they were actually watching a film,Grifice had a main cutter called edward smith who helped him edit he then later on brought his wife who began to also help the both of them in the world of editing.

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