Thursday 13 June 2013

ways of working (freelancing)


If you are reading this poster you are about to become an expert on freelancing after reading this.I am going to give you some pros and cons in freelancing and some friendly advice ...well let’s get into it then ! .

Freelancing is what the first four letters of the work actually means "Free" now this means that you are free to work however you choose basically being your own boss if you wasn't before now you are in freelancing .

 When you don’t have to come into work each day, you can really be in control of your own time. You get to choose when you work.
You’re working for yourself after all almost like owning your own mini business accepts YOU’RE the business.

When you’re freelancing you get to choose when you’re working and get to choose your own working schedules the biggest problem of working for a company is you usually don’t get to choose your won projects but look no further when your freelancing ,all your ideas are based on your own clients that you bring in.

You can also take on more clients and take on more projects than if you were working for a company, and also more quality equals making more money.

Now that you have accepted my friendship and the good ideas I’ve fed you, now for the evil cons and some advice in how things can go terribly wrong for freelancing.

Source from website

(At a company or firm, assuming it doesn't go out of business, you’re pretty much guaranteed work. You come in, there is always work for you to do, and you’ll never be at a shortage. As a freelancer, since you’re finding your own work, it’s never guaranteed. Sometimes opportunities can be plentiful, and other times there could be less.)

Also in freelancing its more of you spending your own time finding clients as no else can do it for you at this moment of time, if you absolutely hate finding clients but still want to freelance, one remedy is partnering with someone that can find work for you a designer manager.

Another disadvantage to freelancing would be it gets very busy as your basically your own boss and you tell yourself what to do, but on top of that this is where things get really stressful especially if your terrible at maths, yes that means you have to do your own accounting, while as if you’re in a company you wouldn't have to worry about accounting what so ever.

In working in a company it’s pretty frustrating but easy at the same time I mean at least you wouldn't have to find your own work right? ,which brings me on to another disadvantage about freelancing ,once you finish your work you have to then go and find yourself some more new work and this can be hard especially if you are freelancing by yourself and not with a partner this then leaves you a  dilemma in what and how your own business progresses.

Well that’s the end of these pros and cons ,i hope I've helped you and put you in the right place ,the only question is.. do you want be a freelancer ?

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