Friday 14 June 2013

ways of working (grid patterns)

Working pattern
What does this mean
Who works like this
Shift work
It means the times you come in and work and the day that you are meant you be working on that day ,it also has the time for when you finish and how many hours you are working that day
Employees tend to work (shift works)
You are well organized and you know what time to be at work
Sometimes maybe family reasons  get involved and you want to change your router
Fixed term
It means work that is guaranteed for at least two to three years which means after those two three years are up the employee is free to leave there work to find another work if they wish to
This is for all staff who work in a business so this means from the manager to the new faces
You have an opitinal choice inif you want to stay or not
It can take very long and you may want to quit before then
Officer hours
This is basically the number of hours the business in conducted so lets say you start at 9am in the morning and then you finish around 5pm
Employees and managers work office hours ,only depends on if your role includes an office
You can get all what you aimed to do done before home time
Can be very stressful in a quiet place ,also being very dull and boring
Is basically you being your own boss and being independent in the things you do and work
For people who chose to set up their own business and work at home
You get to work at home by yourself so means you can take breaks anytime you want
You may get a little distracted being at home and getting to comfortable
Irregular patterns
So this means like work that doesn’t really happen all the time so if you don’t have to go to work on just Mondays a Fridays then you have an irregular shift pattern
For again all staff that work
You know when your days are off and when you need to come in
Theirs times where you have alot of work and need to come in but you cant as it is not your day to come in
Hourly rates
It is people who work per hour and how much they get paid per hour depending on how long they choose to work for or for hour long that particular shift is for
This would be for all staff only in cording to where you are in the job pyramid will determine your salary
If you are working long hours you are getting alot of money
But if your Woking less hours you are not getting enough money
Piece work
It is basically a fixed amount an employee is working for so this could start of low compared to other people that have been in the business longer and gradually rise or this could be the level you are working at and if your role is important you can get it raised in due time.
This would be for the employee that have maybe just started off in the new job
You can analyze the amount you get and if you feel that you are working hard you can then ask for a raise
At the start you feel that you are not getting enough money and may want a raise  

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